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Alaska Adventure Fishing LodgeAlaska Adventure Fishing LodgeAlaska Adventure Fishing LodgeAlaska Adventure Fishing LodgeAlaska Adventure Fishing Lodge

Alaska Adventure Fishing Lodge

The Important Highlights


Dolly Varden, Halibut, Ling Cod, Rockfish, Salmon, Steelhead


April through September

Lodge Type

Rustic but Nice Lodge

Lodge Capacity


Quick Facts
Alaska Adventure Fishing Lodge

Price Range$3495 pp and up

LocationSouth Southeast Alaska

Equipment OptionsFly Fishing and Sport Fishing Gear

Equipment ProvidedYes

Trip Length4 -5 Nights

Cell ServiceYes

Internet ServiceYes

Other Activities AvailableYes

How long has outfitter been in business?Since 1990

Nearest AirportKetchikan

Airport Drive Time10 min

Airport Transfer AvailableYes

Overview of Alaska Adventure Fishing Lodge

There are many options to consider when planning your Alaska fishing trip: do you want to go freshwater fishing, saltwater fishing, other activities while there? Our Alaska Adventure Fishing Lodge checks all of these boxes. This is the spot for the die-hard angler, the beginner, and the person that wants to have an all-around Alaska adventure with fishing and activities. This is the saltwater and freshwater fishing lodge in Alaska that you have been looking for.Alaska Adventure Fishing Lodge


You may be wondering what fishing is included at a saltwater and freshwater fishing lodge in Alaska. Depending on the month of your trip, you might be fishing for steelhead, salmon, dolly varden, halibut, rock fish, rainbow trout, sea bass and ling cod. It is not uncommon to travel home with a big box of fresh, saltwater fish after a fishing trip.

If you love steelhead fishing, this is one of the finest locations for a high opportunity trip. This alaska adventure fishing lodge may just be the trip to catch that first steelhead.


Numerous activities are available such as whale watching, visiting a totem pole village, hiking, beach combing, kayaking, quaint fishing villages, pulling up crab pots for your dinner and more.

Lodge and Staff:

We haven’t mentioned those who will be taking care of you at the lodge. The staff is fantastic, and they treat you as if you are a part of the family. In fact, when you land in your float plane the first words you might hear are, “Welcome home.  Please make yourself at home!” Your experience will cause you to want to return year after year.

Our Alaska adventure fishing lodge is located 10 minutes southeast of Ketchikan by float plane. We will immediately connect you to your float plane when you land in Ketchikan. You will be at the lodge for dinner. It is easy and we take care of all the details.


Fresh Water Fishing:

Freshwater angling is abundant in nearby rivers, lakes and streams. The Island’s largest waterway — the Thorne River — is just up the road from the lodge property. Your experienced freshwater guide will lead you to the most productive fishing holes on the Island.

Use of premium Orvis fly rods and reels, spinning rigs, waders, wading boots and wet weather gear is included in your lodge package. You will be supplied with a wide range of equipment to fit the conditions and to meet your needs. While the equipment and tackle is all-inclusive to your stay, you’re always welcome to pack along the time-trusted gear you just can’t do without. (Please note that felt-sole wading boots are not permitted in Alaska.)

Steelhead Native

Steelhead fishing here rivals any location as the finest you will find.  Steelhead run in local streams from April through early June. The coastal climate is mild with average temperatures around 45 degrees. Hearty anglers will have a chance at some of the world’s best native Steelhead fishing, with fish ranging from 8-12 pounds and trophy class fish topping 18 pounds or more. For fly fishermen, we recommend a 9-foot, 7- or 8-weight fly rod. A reel with a smooth drag, loaded with both floating and sink-tip lines, is also recommended. Most of the popular steelhead flies will work, but some of the better producers include: Comet (orange and red/white), Marabou (black, orange, red), Popsicle, Purple egg-sucking leech, Green-Butt Skunk, Woolly Buggers (green, purple, black), and Black articulated leech.

For spin casting, we recommend a 7-8 foot medium rod with a medium weight reel. Good lures are egg imitators and #2-3 Mepps Aglia (fluorescent red or gold). Cutthroat Trout and Dolly Varden Cutthroat and Dolly Varden are abundant in local streams and lakes from April through September. The spring season (May and June) is excellent with fish ranging from 10-21 inches. Trout fly fishing gear should include a 3-5 weight rod and a quality reel. An assortment of smolt patterns and dry flies including Stimulators, Adams, Mosquitoes and assorted Nymphs will have the trout and Dollies jumping. For spin casting, we recommend a light action rod and reel, with as assortment of spinners (size 0-3), jigs and spoons (size 1/8 oz.)

Saltwater Fishing

Our Alaska fishing lodge is home to trophy-class fishing throughout the deep fjords and emerald-green waters of Southeast Alaska’s Inside Passage. Because of the location of the lodge on the Inside Passage, it enjoys the comforts of fishing in relatively calm waters. Even on a windy day, it experiences a comparatively small chop and no open ocean swell. Rarely do they fish more than 200 yards from land.

The boats are 28-foot ocean cruisers, specially designed for your comfort and safety. Each is equipped with a heated cabin, flushing private toilet and all required tackle. In addition to being highly knowledgeable about local fishing areas and techniques, your saltwater captain is U.S. Coast Guard licensed, certified in first aid and CPR. In addition to the fleet of ocean cruisers and experienced captains, this lodge provides you with saltwater fishing rods, tackle and bait.

The staff cleans, fillets or steaks, vacuum packs, freezes and boxes your saltwater fish for you to take home. Freezer facilities are on hand at some hotels in Ketchikan, as well as Ketchikan International Airport. Freezer storage is also available at SeaTac Airport, if you need to overnight in Seattle. We do not advise shipping fish home via delivery service.


Seasonal salmon runs in local rivers and streams begin in July. Chum and Pink salmon start their runs in mid-July and continue to be fishable through mid-August and mid-September respectively. Silver salmon begin their run in August and are fishable throughout September.

Fly fishing gear should consist of 5-7 weight rods for Pinks; 7-8 weight rods for Chum and Silvers. Popular flies for all salmon include Bead Head Canadian Leech (rust and black), Egg Sucking Leech (purple and black), Polar Shrimp, Orange Comet and Popsicle. Spin casting gear should include a medium to heavy action rod and reel. Popular lures include #3 and #4 Blue Fox Vibrax spinners (silver, orange and green), 1/4 and 1/2 oz Blue Fox Pixie spoons (orange and green), and various Mepps spinners in sizes 3 and 4.

Chinook Salmon:  Commonly called Kings, Chinook salmon are Alaska’s state fish and the largest and scarcest of Pacific salmon. They’re especially known for their power and endurance. Perhaps the most favored sportfishing method for Kings is trolling with rigged herring, though spoons and flashers are also attractive. The largest King ever taken weighed in at 126 pounds, though Kings usually range from 25-50 pounds. They are most prevalent in these waters in June and July.

Silver Salmon:  Silvers, or Coho salmon, are hard fighters and can provide intense action. The Coho average 12-15 pounds, but can be found weighing in at over 20 pounds. These salmon are most plentiful from late July through September.

Pink Salmon:  These are the smallest and most abundant salmon in area waters. Pinks have a two-year life cycle and average 3-5 pounds. Upon entering freshwater streams, pinks develop a dorsal hump, thus their nickname “Humpy.” Saltwater Humpy fishing is best during July and August.

Chum Salmon:  Also called Dog salmon, Chums are famous for their strength and large teeth, which develop most prominently in males upon entering fresh water. Chums are available mid-July through August, averaging 15 pounds with an occasional lunker topping 25 pounds.

Sockeye Salmon:  Also called Red salmon, Sockeyes are the most difficult salmon to catch in area waters. While regarded for their fighting skill, saltwater sockeye sportfishing is limited.

Bottom Fishing

Halibut:  Halibut are by far the most popular bottomfish inhabiting our waters. The Pacific halibut is a toothy flatfish that is normally caught on or near the ocean floor. As with the majority of bottomfish, drifting or anchoring with bait are among the most preferred means of enticing these monsters, which can literally take hours to land. Halibut can live more than 20 years, and the average catch weighs in around 40 pounds. The largest Pacific Halibut ever caught, tipped the scales at 495 pounds. Local Halibut over 300 pounds have been caught and good opportunities for hauling in huge Halibut exist all summer.

Rockfish:  Rockfish is a term used to describe over 10 species of light-fleshed bottomfish, including the yellow-eye (similar to the Atlantic red snapper) rockfish and black sea bass. Most rockfish weigh between 1- 6 pounds, with the yellow-eye being the largest, averaging 6 pounds. Rockfish are long-lived, and depending on the species, may reach ages of 30-100 years. Good rockfish fishing occurs during the warm summer months.

Lingcod:  Like Halibut and rockfish, Lingcod is usually found on or near the bottom, most often over rocky reefs in areas of strong currents. These fish are extremely aggressive predators, often growing to over 50 pounds in weight and 4 feet in length. These feisty fish usually range from 10-40 pounds and are abundant throughout Boardwalk’s fishing season.

Dungeness Crab:  Crabbing is available. It can be done as part of the routine fishing day. Your guides will be pleased to take you to crabbing areas during regular fishing hours. However, be aware that Fish and Game regulations require guests prepare their own crab pots and physically set and pull


Steelhead:  April through mid may
Halibut: Great the entire season
King Salmon: Early June – Early July
Chum Salmon: Mid-June – Mid-July
Pink Salmon: Mid-July – Early August
Sockeye Salmon: Mid-June – Mid July
Silver Salmon: August – September (Aug silvers are in Bay and hit rivers in Sept)
Dolly Varden: July – September
Rainbow Trout: July – September
Sea Bass/ Rock Fish: Entire season
Best Bears: July – September


The lodge is warm and inviting offering 11 bedrooms each with private or shared bathrooms. The main lodge has a comfortable dining room and small sitting area warmed by a wood burning stove. Just outside the dining room, you will enjoy outdoor seating for beautiful days.

Meals are a highlight!  Order off the menu each morning and evening as well as breakfast. The chef is exceptional and your meals will be memorable. Delicious fish, pork, steaks and more are on the menu for you to select from. The deserts are a temptation not to be missed each evening.  At dinner each evening, you will fill out your lunch preferences from a great selection of sandwich meats, salty snacks, sweets, fruit and more. Your lunch will be packed and ready for your adventure the next morning before you depart.

Below are some of the amenities at the lodge:

  • Jacuzzi
  • Kayaks
  • Canoes
  • Fire pit
  • Board games
  • Horseshoes
  • DVD player
  • Soap, shampoo etc
  • Free laundry service
  • Free WiFi (~25 Mbps)
  • Gift shop
  • Hair dryers
  • Personal coffee maker (upon request)
  • Room fan (upon request)
  • Meeting area
  • Apple TV

Length of Stay / Itinerary

Itinerary length varies but here is a sample

Day 1:  Arrive in Ketchikan and immediately fly out by float plane to the lodge assuming you arrive around 5:00 PM

Day 2,3,4,5:  Enjoy the lodge and activities

Day 6:  Depart after breakfast and enjoy the afternoon in Ketchikan

Day 7:  Begin travels home

Travel Details & Location

Travel Schedule:

Travel from your hometown to Seattle, Washington, can be booked with the airline of your choice. However, for ease in taking your catch home, we suggest you use an Alaska Airlines partner. When using a partner airline, your fish and luggage can be sent directly from Ketchikan to your home.

Transferring in Seattle. You will need to transfer in Seattle to Alaska Airlines. Alaska Airlines schedule changes seasonally, with three to five flights daily between Seattle and Ketchikan. You will need to arrive in Ketchikan by 5:00 p.m. if you want to reach the lodge that evening.

Float plane to the lodge. You will be traveling from Ketchikan to the lodge on a float plane. After you claim your luggage in Ketchikan, proceed to the float plane counter on level one where agents will escort you to the plane. Upon arrival at our dock, Lodge personnel will meet you and transport luggage to your room.

Lodge Departures. The typical departure time from the lodge is 10:00 a.m. However, the time of the flight will be determined by availability and the time of your return jet flight from Ketchikan.

We recommend that you overnight in Ketchikan on departure day in case of weather delays.

Other Activities

There are many activities available:

  • Kayaking – included
  • Canoes – included
  • Whale watching – typically in July and later – included
  • Seals and otters – included
  • Eagle viewing – included
  • Horseshoes – included
  • Board games – included
  • Free laundry service
  • Totem village tour – included
  • Anan bear conservatory – booked in advance by float plane- should book about 6 months ahead – extra expense
  • El Capitan Cave Tour – About a 1 hour drive from the lodge – reservations needed – entrance fee not included – Open late May to early September
  • Crabbing
  • Jacuzzi
  • Gold mine tours – included
  • Misty Fjords by float plane – needs to be booked in advance – extra expense
  • Beach combing – included
  • Hiking through creeks to get to scenic lakes for a picnic – included
  • Watch storms come over the waters from scenic view points on the roads – included
  • Quaint fishing town visits to Craig with local shopping – included

Ketchikan – visit before or after your trip!

  • Saxom Totem Park
  • Creek Street shopping
  • Ward Lake hiking
  • Great restaurants
  • Zip line tours
  • Bear viewing
  • ATV tours
  • Jeep tours
  • Helicopter tours where you land at Eddystone Waterfall
  • Kayak tours
  • Scuba diving
  • We can arrange flight seeing to the Misty Fjords and/or bear viewing on your behalf in Ketchikan or you can contact the companies directly to book:  Sea Wind Air and Taquan Air
  • and more

Internet & Communications

Family, friends, and associates may leave a message for a guest by calling the lodge’s number. Often work at the lodge keeps staff away from the phone, but guests can receive voice mail when they return from the day’s fishing. In an emergency, the lodge can make immediate contact with the boats. The telephone operates through a fixed-cellular radio signal. The connection is generally clear, but weather and other interference can affect the signal

Cell Phone Service. The Verizon network is very stable here. However, the cellular relay is erratic for other carriers. Depending on your provider, you may find clear pockets, especially on the open water.

The lodge has WiFi access. The service is provided via satellite, which is typically sufficient for email and light web browsing; however, it is likely much slower than what you may be used to.


Please contact us for pricing.


Trip Insurance & Cancellation Info

Trip insurance is highly recommended to protect your investment on this trip. We will assist you with trip insurance upon booking. See links at the bottom of this page for the two providers we suggest for our clients.

Antlers & Anglers Worldwide, LLC confirmation and refund policy:

If your trip is more than 90 days out from date of departure, a 50% non-refundable deposit confirms your reservation and must be received within 10 days of booking to confirm your dates. All trips must be paid in full at least 90 days prior to the departure date. If your trip date is within 90 days, FULL payment for the trip is required. All payments to Antlers & Anglers Worldwide, LLC are non-refundable. Should you need to reschedule or cancel your trip, we will do everything in our power to assist you in finding a suitable substitute or transferring your dates per the lodge/providers/government requirements. Trip insurance protects your investment!

Give us a call to talk about our adventures at Alaska Adventure Fishing Lodge!

(205) 969-2065


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