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“Making a difference” in your family/couple travels! It’s simple!

Here is how!

Providing Relational Destinations:

So where in the world is a relational destination?  Is it Africa, South America, New Zealand, Alaska, in the United States? It is in all of these places, and in none of them.

For relational destinations are not locations, but a relational state of being.

Ask any women where she wants to go. She may say Africa or New Zealand but if pressed she’d confess she wants to go to a place of love and acceptance more than anywhere else (it does help if there are wonderful meals and massages). A place where her love language is spoken and she hears, “I love you more than work, more than golf, more than hunting.” And she hears it in her language.

We want to help you “knock this out of the park” relationally!

Questions you must ask: Where? Who? Why?

So you want to take your family to Africa and go on safari. We have some coaching and homework for you to do to get ready for the trip. Ever hire a trainer to get in shape to bag the Dall Sheep on top of the mountains in Alaska? It’s not for the faint of heart.  Neither is a great family or marriage!

With enough thought and effort, you can hear your family members say things like this:

“Dad really listened to me on this trip, he even made sure I could get on the internet every few days. He told me I was prettier in his eyes than anything we saw in New Zealand!”

“I just couldn’t believe it. He told me I was his favorite trophy and he planned on pursuing me more this year. I came back from the trip with hope! That is the best catch of the trip.”

We want to help you with the question of how?

We have an outline and some tips for every member of the family. There are a few things for each member to do to get ready for the trip. Preparation is vital. You wouldn’t go fishing without rods. You would never shoot at the trophy of a lifetime without obtaining the right weapon, the right optics, and practicing. Yet we often employ dirty optics on old rifles while pursuing our wife and kids expecting great results.

Let Family Expeditions give you a fresh set of optics, a new view on a few things relationally.  This is all up to you.

You can take advantage of all or none of these offerings! If you just want a family friendly place that you can have confidence in to deliver an exceptional environment and activities – we’ve got it. If you want to take it to the next level relationally – we can help with that too!

Below are some tips on how to make these words a reality.




We are so grateful to Dr. Steve Hotchkiss for sharing this information with us so that we could share this with you all!  Thank you Steve!!

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Discerning travelers, if you do not see exactly the destination that you seek on our website do not lose heart. We are constantly visiting new destinations to give you the most cutting edge experiences. Email us or give us a call to discuss your next outdoor adventure.

Give us a call to book your trip of a lifetime!

(205) 969-2065